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Eat That Frog Summary
1-Sentence-Summary: Eat That Frog provides 21 techniques and strategies to stop procrastinating and get more done. Read in: 4 minutes Favorite quote from the author: After coming across a short review of this book yesterday, I added it to my library and thought I’d give it a go. At 71 years old, Brian Tracy has built a massive personal brand , mostly by writing dozens of books on personal development. Eat That Frog is his most popular one, and here are my 3 takeaways from the summary on Blinkist: Make use of your unproductive time. Know yourself. Make appointments with yourself. Are you with me? Let’s go! Lesson 1: Make use of your unproductive time. The summary said that . Holy moly! Even if you’re not driving, chances are you still spend quite some time commuting. (that’s one-way), which means we spend an entire year of our life going back and forth between work and home. That’s why Brian suggests to make use of this time, for example by listening to audio books, programs or language

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