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Our has been a teacher and student favorite since its debut. And now we’ve got a complete lesson and worksheets to accompany it! This lesson plan will get your students fluent with the five elements of a short story: plot, character, conflict, theme and setting. “Yes these are the five things…”

Elements of a Story Lesson Plan

Lesson Objective: Define and identify the five elements of a story. Analyze a story to determine its elements.

1. Watch the free Flocabulary song, When you finish the song, ask students to recall the five elements of a story.

2. Hand out the . Ask students to write down the definition of each element to the best of their memory. Explain that you will show the video again soon for students to update or fill in any definitions.

3. Show again. Before you begin, ask student to record in their chart the definitions and a few examples of each from the song while they are watching. You may wish to pause the video after each element to give students time to write.

4. Hold a discussion of the five elements, where students clarify definitions. Ask students to brainstorm examples of each element from their previous reading and record them in the “Your Examples” column.

5. Read a short story of your choosing as a class. Any story–from a children’s book to a New Yorker piece–will work. You can find some . Using , record the five elements in that story.

Optional Extension Activity: Have students use to plan out an original story, and then write it! Your students can even write their story in rhyme with our .

What are you favorite short stories? 

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