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Animal Mystery

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Animal Mystery This game is useful for practicing animal related words and phrases. While it is good to know the words for animals, it is not really all that useful in everyday life. So I wanted to make a game with animals that was more constructive and actually practiced making phrases. At the same time, I wanted to make a game that could practice basic verbs question forms such as ‘how many’, ‘is it’, ‘can it’ and so on. Animals and animal guessing gives a context in which using these verb phrases can be meaningful. The general idea is that you have to guess the mystery animal. In order to do you must narrow down the possible choices by asking questions which, hopefully, provides context and meaning for the question phrases. The object of the game is to guess the eight hidden animals that are presented, one at a time, behind a question mark. Possible animals are display above the mystery box and are eliminated as questions are asked. The user can guess which animal it could be at anytime by making a “I guess …. ” phrase. This game should work on mobiles and tablets but please leave a comment if it does not do so.

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