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Essentials Topic Link and Description Diagnosis The Mood Spectrum Is bipolarity a yes/no thing, or a “” thing? Mixed States Yes. Treatment Hope Tried everything and nothing worked? Clocks Psychotherapies Medications Thyroid Antidepressants Causes of Mood Disorders (Not a Moral Weakness) Hormones Details Topic Link and Description Diagnosis and the related essay on Bipolar Spectrum Harvard’s Other Diagnoses or Bipolar? Treatment Fish oil: treatment Clocks Psychotherapies Free online yipes! Medications : the big three Don’t let frighten you; lithium could prevent Thyroid from thyroid? ? Antidepressants ; more than a issue Miscellaneous / and a Hormones and the formal Insulin , the variation called , and ; metabolic/mood connections; and . Weight gain antidotes Anxiety (Xanax to Valium) Brain Tours Technical Topic Link and Description Diagnosis Bipolar Spectrum with Dr. Sachs; and the Other Diagnoses Clocks Medications Thyroid Fish oil Fish oil and sAntidepressants The about antidepressants Causes of Mood Disorders and Tropic Hormones Insulin Anxiety Anxiety-focused