
Learn Spanish Online Templates

Visitors about Taalthuis: Ok, this site (taalthuis) is Great…..!!! I like it very much. How useful it is for me a lover of the Netherlands to learn the language. I have been twice in Holland, at my sister’s place and was charmed by everything in the country.  Hands down, the best site I’ve seen for learning Dutch. Taalthuis has well put-together lessons for beginning to intermediate levels, with grammar, dialogs, sound files, exercises and answers, as well as extra material–tests, grammar reference, etc. There are plenty of free websites you can use to learn Dutch. My favourite one was . It contains all the basic grammar, vocabulary and even pronunciation rules you need and a lot of online tests and tasks.  I used it every two or three days and it turned out to be one of the best sources for me to comprehend Dutch quickly and effectively. I love this website. Het heeft mij enorm geholpen (It helped me a lot)!

For more advanced students the videosection, the NOS Journaal, the proverbs and expessions or the Backgrounds (with the Dutch Royal House on Youtube )(Extra) are useful. If you feel you still need some help, or just like to contact people who might run into the same problems, you’ll be happy to learn there’s a forum hardly any question remains unanswered. Teachers, Dutch people and very, very advanced foreign students might use the site  (completely in Dutch!).

It might be a good exercise to finish .  New:  !

learn spanish speak 7     learn spanish 5th grade