
Learn Spanish Pyrenees

Week of: Jan. 18

This week we will be working with prepositions, view the rhyme video to help you memorize the prepositions in Spanish.

Week of: Dec. 1-Dec. 5

This week we will learn how to conjugate using subject pronouns.  Please watch the videos to assist you in identifying subject pronouns and creating a chart.

To join our class page for Quizlet use this link: 

Week of: Oct. 19 – Oct. 23rd

This week we will continue on Unit 1 Mis amigos y yo. We will be on Chapter 1B Y tú ¿Cómo eres? Upon completion of this chapter, your child will be able to :

  • Talk about personality traits
  • Ask and tell what people are like
  • Use adjectives to describe people
  • Understand cultural perspectives on friendship

We will be able to do this, by:

  • Learning how to identify adjectives and how to properly use them in Spanish.
  • Learning sentence structure in Spanish and compare it to English sentence structure.
  • Students will learn how to use the verb “Ser” in a sentence when referring to oneself or others.

Week of: Sept. 28th – Oct. 2nd

This week we will begin Unit 1 Mis amigos y yo.  The units in our textbook are broken up into two chapters, chapter 1A and chapter 1B.  This week we will begin with chapter 1A ¿Qué te gusta hacer?  Upon completion of this chapter, you child will be able to:

  • Describe the activities you and others like and don’t like to do.
  • Will be able to identify activities and expressions for saying what you like and don’t like to do.
  • Will be able to identify an infinitive and make negative statements.

Also, your child will explore:

  • The cultural perspectives: favoire activities of teens.

At Home Study

Have your child describe their favorite activities in Spanish, then have them tell you in English.  Ask your child to help you describe your favorite activities in Spanish.

Week of: Sept. 14 – Sept. 18

This week we will continue working on the introduction to the language “Para Empezar”.  Upon completion of this week, your child will be able to:

  • Identify the Spanish calendar
  • Recite the days of the week, months and the date
  • Explain the Mayan and Aztec calendar
  • Explain the weather
  • Identify the seasons

The students will have their first verbal quiz on the Spanish alphabet.  On Friday they will have a quiz on the weather, concluding with our introductory chapter.  Be sure to practice greetings and numbers for we will be using it all year long.

Week of: Sept. 8th – Sept. 11

This week we will continue working on the introduction to the language “Para Empezar”.  Upon completion of this week, your child will be able to:

  • Identify some classroom objects.
  • Recite the Spanish alphabet and spell vocabulary words.
  • Will be introduced to the calendar.

Students have turned in their first project “Mi Monstruo”, make sure to ask your child about his/her monster, have them describe it to you in both English and Spanish once I’ve returned it to them.

Students have taken their first quiz in Spanish, for the most part the class did an excellent job, make sure to keep up with their grades via Parentportal.  Their will be an oral quiz on Friday, they will have to recite the alphabet!

Week of: August 31st – Sept. 4th

This week we will continue working on the introduction to the language “Para Empezar”.  Upon completion of this week, your child will be able to:

  • Understand and follow classroom commands
  • Tell time and time telling expressions in Spanish
  • Tell and identify body parts

There will be a project due by the end of this week.

There will be a quiz on material taught this week and last week on Friday 09/04/2015.

Week of: August 24th – 28th

This week we will start with the introduction to the language “Para Empezar”.  Upon completion of this chapter, your child will be able to:

  • greet people
  • introduce themselves to others
  • begin using numbers, tell time, and talk about things related to the calendar
  • talk about things in the classroom

Also, your child will explore:

  • the correct way to address adults
  • the different uses of the word “you”
  • the correct use of punctuation and accent marks

At home study:

Have your child use the new vocabulary from this chapter to write a dialogue where two people greet each other and discuss the weather.  Then have him or her explain the dialogue to you in English.

Week of : August 17th-21st

This week we worked on class procedures and expectations, you will find a link bellow to the routines, procedures and expectations in my classroom, it’s a summary of all we’ve talked about this week, parents are to read it and sign it, the student is to sign it and turn it in on Monday for a homework grade.

Welcome all Spanish 1 students and parents, bellow you will find a link to the class syllabus.

learn spanish 7th grade     learn spanish 5th grade