WordLingua is the idea that speaking languages is speaking the world!
With arabic, spanish or french, the 5 continents open their doors to you. Speaking languages to speak the world, discover it, explore it and understand it.
It is no more a secret that speaking various languages is a bonus for your personal and professional life.
WordLingua offers courses Online aimed at giving you linguistic and communicative skills but also offering you an entrance to intercultural field. The 3 languages we teach are not closed into 3 countries only but expanded on 5 continents.
Communicate in french is taking advantage of the francophony’s richness. Talking spanish is crossing oceans and travel with so many treasures as its accents reveal between Spain and South America. With arabic, the poetry that makes you surf on its millennium culture as complex as fascinating.
Wordlingua team is built with native qualified and efficient teachers moved by curiousity of the World and who clearly like to share their knowledges. The teachers are citizens of this world and convinced that teaching is also, and may be almost, about learning.