
Learn Spanish Today Free

In my , I wrote about how spending few months in a non-English speaking country forced me to rapidly learn a new language (Spanish). I had the right motivation (learn to survive);  but without the right tools I wouldn’t have gotten far in my quest to learn Spanish.

is one such tool that was my saving grace during the trip. Thanks to the availability of a Smartphone & the ubiquitous Wi-Fi, Duolingo accelerated my ability or learn & practice Spanish.

As of today, the platform (app/website) has about .

As mentioned in my , there are multiple methods to learn a new language – however, I have a biased opinion about why Duolingo should be the companion your choice.

P.S. I don’t work for Duolingo or do I get any type of compensation from them. I am just a raving happy customer.

And here is why…


You can’t beat that price tag, can you?   There are tons of other audio/video based language-learning tools, but they come with a price tag (some upto $500).

Duolingo isn’t the only free language-learning app in the App Store – there are many competitors. However, the functionality and user-interface makes it a viable choice (more about this later).

And one more thing..It is completely Ad-Free.

We love free apps, but don’t we get annoyed when bombarded with ads? (i.e Facebook,YouTube, etc.).


One of the decisive factors that makes any program/application successful is how user-friendly it is.  The reason we love most of the applications we use today – Microsoft Word,Google Chrome, Android, Facebook,etc. is because they are very user-friendly and easy to navigate.

The interface on Duolingo is built in such a way that it allows you to switch between courses and individuals lessons by just swiping around the app.


To learn a language – you can enroll in a night-class, attend a language exchange group or even travel. All these require investment of time & money; and you can only do them at set times.

With incentives such as Lingots, Streaks,etc. Duolingo makes the learning process fun.   are awarded for completing lessons. And with the Lingots you win- you can purchase rewards at the store.

Author: Nissar Ahamed Nissar Ahamed is an accomplished Growth Hacker with extensive experience working as a Blogger, Copywriter and Editor. His blog, , has a community focused approach to career discussion and has earnt Nissar great respect amongst his peers.His decision to establish , motivated by a desire to share his experience in the recruitment industry with others.

learn spanish in 60 seconds     learn spanish 50 languages