
Learn Spanish Today Free Vocabulary

    Click on Online Resources on the home page Go to the Current Unit. Make sure you are on the correct Unit and Lesson. (for example Unit 1, Lesson 1) Practice activities are available under “Online Review.” Need extra help with Grammar? check out the Animated Grammar videos! The Home Tutor section has more activities to practice. Need some extra help with verb conjugation?? Go the Orange link labeled “¡Conjuguemos! on the ClassZone homepage Click on the blue link. Select the first ORANGE ¡AVANCEMOS 1! link at the top Select the correct lesson and unit in the drop down box in the top left corner of the new page. Choose what verb tense, which verbs you would like to practice, set a time limit (I suggest 5 minutes) and hit GO! Remember…. Repetition is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to learn the patterns and rules of conjugating verbs!

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